The Humzanama was one of the earliest important commissions by the third Mughal emperor Akbar. Humzanama or Dastan-e-Amir narrates a legendary exploit of Amir Humza, uncle of Muhammad. Their stories are mostly a series of threatening events and violent acts. It tells the story of adventures of Amir Humza, the uncle of Prophet Muhammad.
The module started by reading a book about the stories of Amir Humza's violent acts and then drawing out what one would feel by reading about the acts- such as fierce. The faculty had grouped us in a group of 4-5 members to work together as a team.
The drawing above shows some of the most fierce and cruel punishments which were given to the people who had committed a crime in the early ages. Then by sketching out the drawings, we tried to
figure out a way to bring the act of torture by making models of such torturous devices.
Next we were told to make human size models. So the images below will help you understand the process of making of these human size models. The making of these models on a bigger scale also helped us know more about what type of materials would be efficient to use and also helped us generate the understanding of the scale and proportions of the structure.
So the aim of this module was to make us aware of how to make human size models and the materials that are required to complete it. We were also inculcated with the knowledge of how to work in groups and respect everyone's opinions. So with this we completed our model calling it the "TORTUROUS DEVICE".