ELECTIVE 20223-34
The course was conducted in Aarey Vasundara, located in Aarey colony. We learnt how to make a reed bed, making a compost and making a flower garden. We also planted other small leguminious plants such as chickpea, rai and other lentils.
We started making a reedbed
Pollinators are organisms, often insects like bees and butterflies lady bees, that help transfer pollen from the male parts of flowers to the female parts, enabling the fertilization of plants, which leads to the production of fruits and seeds.
•Pollinators are the insects that carry out the process of reproduction in plants.
•They are a medium of transferring the pollen seeds from the host plant to the nectar plant
To help pollinators, we can:
Plant native flowers that provide nectar and pollen.
Avoid or reduce pesticide use.
Create pollinator-friendly habitats in your garden.
Support conservation efforts and advocacy for pollinators.
To plant a Butterfly Garden, consider the following factors:
Choose native plants that attract butterflies.
Provide a variety of flowers with different colors and shapes.
Create sunny spots for basking.
Include host plants for caterpillars.
Use organic gardening practices.
Avoid chemical pesticides.
We learnt to construct a butterfly garden wherein all the host and the nectar plants were planted. The host plants consisted of